In 2018, Copper River fish passage partners were thrilled to receive funding from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council to improve fish passage at 13 sites on the Copper River Delta. Undersized and/or failing culverts can constrict the stream channel, effecting water velocity and sediment transport through the culvert, creating a barrier to moving upstream for juvenile fish in particular.

By installing new structures engineered to be fish friendly, we will restore access to approximately 22 miles of upstream spawning and rearing habitat for Coho and Sockeye Salmon, Coastal Cutthroat Trout, Dolly Varden and other resident fish species.
Summer 2024: Sheridan River tributaries (Cop 9, Sher 1), and Elsner River tributaries (Cab 1& 2)
- Cab 1&2 – H&H Report
- Cop 9/Sher 1 – H&H Report
- Geotechnical Investigations for Cop 9, Sher 1, Cab 1 and Cab 2
- RFP for Culverts – 1/22/24
- RFP EVOSTC-2024 Copper River Watershed Habitat Enhancement Project Cordova EVOS Sites CAB 1, CAB 2, COP 9, and SHER 1.
- RFP Part 1 (2/29/24)
- RFP Appendix G (2/29/24)
- RFP Appendix H (2/29/24)
- RFP Appendix I (2/29/24)
- Addendum #1 – 3/6/2024
- Addendum #2 – 3/19/24

Watch our video below to see first hand the work it takes to effectively manage water, silt and sand and see a piece of history as the original railroad piers were uncovered along the Copper RiverHighway.