Q&A with Kate Morse, our new Executive Director, and Kristin Carpenter, founding Executive Director of CRWP. We are thrilled to welcome Kate Morse as our new Executive Director, [...]
We are excited to announce the appointment of Kate Morse as CRWP’s Executive Director! Kate has been an integral part of CRWP since 2008, when she began as a part-time staff member after [...]
Neighboring With Invasive Plants By Bella Ranck and Floyd Witsoe Alaska is facing a growing epidemic of invasive plant species. With widespread tourism, construction, and even moving water [...]
Fish Passage Restoration Site Field Trips in the Copper Basin and Cordova Get Students Into the Watershed Active culvert construction provided awesome hands-on outreach experiences for multiple [...]
CRWP partners with CRNA, Ahtna, Inc., and Wrangell-St. Elias National Park Youth Programs for a teen invasive plant management introduction. Our Watershed Stewardship Program Manager, Amanda [...]
CRWP partners with CRNA’s YETIs for training at the Little Tonsina Bridge. CRWP/CRNA Climate Change Coordinator Colleen Merrick led the Youth Employment and Training Initiative (YETI) trip [...]
CRWP was a proud sponsor of the Copper Basin YES event! The annual Youth Environment Summit (YES) event involves youth from K-8th grade in environmental sciences, climate adaptations, natural [...]
The Stewards had sunny weather during their adventure exploring the Copper River Delta and Basin! The Copper River Stewardship Program was full of sunshine and adventure for High School students [...]
Creativity and a new sign bring invasive plant awareness to the Native Plant Garden in Cordova. On a sunny Thursday, June 13th, 2024 we hosted a fun, family-friendly event at the Native Plant [...]
This spring, Cordova Girl Scout Troop 148 was working on their Outdoor Journey to qualify for their Bronze Awards. The Journey led them to the shores of Eyak Lake, near Cordova, where they [...]