We believe the Copper River watershed can have a vibrant, healthy future.

When you #PickClickGive this year, consider choosing the Copper River Watershed Project. Your gift supports hands-on stewardship and creates opportunities for youth and adults to explore, study, and experience the region through watershed education programs. With one click, you can help sustain the Copper River watershed now and in the future for people and fish.

PFD applications are open until March 31st at: https://pfd.alaska.gov/
#pfd #stewardship #copperriverwatershed

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COPPER BASIN - We are recruiting people who love the Copper River and want it to have a thriving and healthy future. Fish, hunt, or recreate in the Copper River watershed? Have ideas for how to keep our way of life sustained for the future? JOIN OUR BOARD!!

Our Board of Directors is a fun group of people representing a range of experiences and expertise while sharing a love for the watershed and the way of life here. We are seeking new interested candidates who are willing to share knowledge, experience, and time with our organization and help lead us into the future.

For more information, contact Executive Director Kate Morse, kate@copperriver.org and/or the current chair of our Board of Directors, Matt Piche, mattjpiche@gmail.com.

→ Must be a resident of a community in the Copper River watershed. ←
Inquiry Deadline: January 31, 2025
#copperriverwatershed #BoardofDirectors #CopperBasin

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Do you fish, hunt, or recreate in the Copper River watershed?

Do you have ideas for how to keep our way of life sustained for future generations?

Do you love the Copper River and want it to have a thriving and healthy future?

Join the Board of Directors for the Copper River Watershed Project! We are recruiting people to fill a seat in the Copper Basin and in Cordova. Our Board of Directors is a fun group of people representing a range of experiences and expertise while sharing a love for the watershed and the way of life here. We are seeking new interested candidates who are willing to share knowledge, experience, and time with our organization and help lead us into the future.

For more information, contact Executive Director Kate Morse, kate@copperriver.org and/or the current chair of our Board of Directors, Matt Piche, mattjpiche@gmail.com.

→ Must be a resident of a community in the Copper River watershed. ←

Inquiry Deadline: January 31, 2025
#copperriverwatershed #BoardofDirectors #CordovaAlaska #CopperBasin

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A heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who donated to our Year-End Fundraising Campaigns! Whether you gave to Adopt-a-Fry, 12 Days of Culverts, or just because, your donations help continue the work of fish habitat restoration, salmon tank education, youth initiatives, stream temperature monitoring, and many other programs and projects to keep the Copper River watershed thriving.

We`re excited to get boots on the ground, hands in the water, and students in the field in 2025!

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🎄 On the twelfth day of Christmas, we were so happy that another fish habitat stream was restored and now runs free. 🎄

The COP 33 project replaced an old culvert that was restricting stream flow, especially during high water events on the Copper River Delta. The new, much larger culvert, simulates natural stream flow, and has material and gravel on the floor of the culvert to replicate a stream bed. This makes it easy for baby and juvenile fish to swim through - no problem! The COP 33 culvert opens up 3.2 stream miles and 12.0 upstream lake acres with support from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council, and was completed in 2023.
Donate to help fish passage projects like this continue in the Copper River watershed. Tap our bio link and select the Donate to CRWP button!
#fishpassage #copperriverwatershed

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🎄 On the eleventh day of Christmas, culverts contributed to a flood one spring, and Glennallen was a soggy scene. 🎄

On Moose Creek there were 2 large culverts that couldn’t convey all the spring melt, and during this flood event, 2 more culverts were added. The flood impacted the town of Glennallen and surrounding areas causing damage to homes and businesses in the spring of 2023. This is the next big crossing we are tackling with the project just now getting underway. This project will open 11.5 upstream miles and 310 upstream lake acres of Arctic Grayling and Rainbow Trout rearing habitat. Stay tuned in 2025 for updates on this important fish passage project!
You can help solve more culvert issues in the Copper River region by donating to support fish passage projects! Tap our bio link and select the Donate to CRWP button!
#fishpassage #copperriverwatershed

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🎄 On the tenth day of Christmas, this culvert was camouflaged in green and there was no water flowing at all in this stream.

This culvert is in the Sheridan River Floodplain on the Copper River Delta. A NEW culvert replaced the old one and was completed in 2024, opening up .8 upstream miles and 12 upstream lake acres of Coho salmon rearing habitat with support and infrastructure from Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council and u.s.forestservice. The new culvert is so new we don`t even have a photo of it yet to show you!
There are more culverts like this in the greater watershed. Donate to help continue fish passage work in the Copper River watershed. Tap our bio link and poke the Donate to CRWP button!
#fishpassage #copperriverwatershed

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🎄 On the ninth day of Christmas, the fish were so relieved when a new culvert allowed the water to flow free. 🎄

The COP 1 culvert project on the Copper River Delta was Completed in 2023! The new culvert opened up 1.5 stream miles of Coho and Dolly Varden rearing habitat with support from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council. The new culvert so much better - and bigger! The culvert is installed deep enough that material is laid inside the pipe to simulate a stream bed. New culverts are designed to simulate a natural stream so the fish don`t even realize they are in a culvert!
You can make fish happy too, by donating to continue fish passage work in the Copper RIver watershed. Tap our bio link and select the Donate to CRWP button!
#fishpassage #copperriverwatershed

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Have you heard?

Join Our Board of Directors

Do you fish, hunt, or recreate in the Copper River watershed?

Do you have ideas for how to keep our way of life sustained for future generations?

Do you love the Copper River and want it to have a thriving and healthy future?

Join the Board of Directors for the Copper River Watershed Project! We are recruiting people to fill a seat in the Copper Basin and in Cordova. Our Board of Directors is a fun group of people representing a range of experiences and expertise while sharing a love for the watershed and the way of life here. We are seeking new interested candidates who are willing to share knowledge, experience, and time with our organization and help lead us into the future.

For more information, contact Executive Director Kate Morse, kate@copperriver.org and/or the current chair of our Board of Directors, Matt Piche, mattjpiche@gmail.com.
→ Must be a resident of a community in the Copper River watershed.

Submission Deadline: January 31, 2025

The Copper River Watershed Project is requesting proposals for the Eyak Lake Weir project.  The work is for construction services to remove and replace the existing sheet pile weir and reconstruct the stream channel at the outlet of Eyak Lake.

The Eyak Lake weir is located at approximately milepost 5.7 on the Copper River Highway, east of the City of Cordova, AK. The weir is located approximately 300 feet upstream of the Copper River Highway bridge (Mari Smith Jones Bridge) over the Eyak River. The weir was constructed in 1972 to re-establish the water surface elevation in Eyak Lake following the 1964 ‘Good Friday’ earthquake.

The deadline for question submission is January 10th, and proposals are due by 5 pm on January 29th.


Email partnership@copperriver.org for more information.

Our Programs Making a Difference