Donate now to help fix the Eyak Lake Outlet Structure (Weir)!!

CRWP and partners have observed the deterioration of the current weir structure at the outlet of Eyak Lake and are interested in being proactive in addressing this aging structure.

Our primary objectives are to improve fish passage up and downstream of where the weir is located, while maintaining current water levels to protect important nearshore spawning sites for salmon, in particular Sockeye, as well as maintain current property lines along the lakeshore.


December 3, 2024:

CRWP Request for Proposals for the Eyak Lake Weir Replacement

Complete Advertisement for RFP: Eyak Lake Weir Replacement

Date: 12/20/2024
This addendum responds to questions submitted before and during the pre-bid conference on 12/16/2024. 
Compiled camera footage and site area images can be provided upon request. Please email Amy at for these. 
The deadline for question submission is January 10th, and proposals are due by 5 pm on January 29th. Download Addendum #1 here.

Date: 1/17/2025

Cordova's Hottest Potato: Who Owns Eyak Lake Weir? 2024 Presentation

Since 2020, CRWP has been facilitating a group of partners to be proactive in upgrading the Eyak Lake weir structure to maintain current lake levels and improve the movement of fish between the lake and the river, ultimately improving the productivity of this valuable habitat.

At this point in the project the biggest hurdle we’re facing is ownership. Without overcoming this hurdle we’ll be unable to keep the project moving forward. If left unaddressed, we are likely to see a significant lowering of the lake levels as the weir continues to fail, reducing the productivity of this valuable salmon habitat, changing property lines and values, and compromising access to our backup drinking water source, among other changes.

Weir History:

  • 1964 Good Friday earthquake changed Eyak Lake water levels when the surrounding area uplifted by approximately 6 feet.
  • 1972 sheet pile weir was installed at the outlet of Eyak Lake to re-establish the water surface to pre-earthquake levels and keep nearshore sockeye spawning beds submerged.
  • The contract to build the weir was awarded by a State department that no longer exists: the Division of Waters and Harbors.
  • 1978 rip-rap installed on the downstream side of the weir to support the structure in response to undercutting.

Do you have a piece of Eyak Lake Weir history to add? Share it via our Comment Form!

CRWP has convened a great group of partners from 13 organizations to actualize and implement this important project:

  • ADFG
  • Cordova Electric Cooperative
  • City of Cordova
  • DNR
  • DOT
  • DOWL
  • FEMA
  • NOAA
  • Native Village of Eyak
  • PWS Science Center
  • The Eyak Corporation
  • USFS

To move this project forward, we completed the following in 2021:

  • Hired an engineer to complete a site survey, geotechnical investigations, and develop concepts for the community to consider. Read the  Eyak Lake Weir Alternatives Analysis here. The preferred alternative is concept 3: Replace in-kind with natural fishway (Pg. 9);
  • Conducted a community survey that had 95 respondents (Thanks!). Survey results are included in the report above.
  • Hosted a workshop with engineers in July to learn more about alternatives. View google slides from presentation here.
    • **To watch a complete recording of the Public Workshop, see the Youtube video below.**
  • Submitted funding proposal to Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council and received $5.7 million for complete design and construction of a new outlet structure.
  • With the funding official in 2022, CRWP is currently convening stakeholders to work on finalizing the design in 2024.


  • Opportunities for Community Inputs:  Stay tuned for upcoming opportunities and as always, please feel free to reach out at any time with thoughts, history, or comments on the Eyak Lake weir structure.



  • Eyak Lake and River Boaters Meeting, Wednesday, 11/9/22 – Meeting Notes
  • CRWP is currently convening partners to get new weir to the 100% design phase and make plans for construction.



  • Opportunities for Community Inputs:  Stay tuned for upcoming opportunities and as always, please feel free to reach out at any time with thoughts, history, or comments on the Eyak Lake weir structure.


Check out our new FAQ page and let us know if there’s something else we should add.

High Rain Events - September 2022

Sustaining Eyak Lake Presentation 3/30/23

Eyak Lake Weir Planning Workshop 7/19/21

Contact Ashley Taylor to be added to our email list for updates specific to this project.