PWSSC Coastal Community Experience Explores CRWP Fish Passage Projects

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PWSSC Coastal Community Experience Cohort Explores Past and Current CRWP Fish Passage Projects.

On June 19, ten adults from the Prince William Sound Science (PWSSC) Center Coastal Community Experience (CCE) cohort joined CRWP to explore our current and past fish passage projects and learn about fish habitat and stream management in the Cordova area.

Our summer Invasive Plant Technician Kathryn Schluter, joined the group and shared her experience of the day:

“As a new member of the CRWP staff, I, too, am still learning about all of the different projects we partake in, so I really enjoyed getting to learn more about the impactful work we do. We spent the day learning about what it takes to place culverts along the Copper River Highway and make sure that they are able to successfully allow salmon migration. We ended the day by examining fish caught in minnow traps by one of the newest culverts put in by the CRWP to test if salmon were able to pass through it the way they were supposed to without any hindrances. It was amazing to see for myself just how impactful the work the CRWP is doing for the local ecosystems here in Cordova. As someone who is also exploring different career opportunities, it was an amazing experience to get a first-hand look at some of the different ways people can help with salmon conservation.” —Kathryn Schluter