CRWP has had a stellar year receiving funds from sources interested in Eyak Lake and the surrounding water bodies. Funding sources include:
$1,073,886 NOAA grant through the ARRA
- Replace three culverts at Eccles Creek and Whiskey Creek
- Excavate two sections of fill placed in the lake at Power Creek Road spit and Mavis Island’s causeway.
- Relocate the public boat ramp.
- Establish long-term support for maintaining a quality habitat for salmon within Eyak Lake and its supporting tributaries.
$233,000 USFWS grant through the ARRA
- Replace culverts at Eccles Creek and Whiskey Creek
$90,000 USFWS grant
- Engineering design of the Eccles Creek culvert
$100,000 NFWF grant
- Purchasing culvert at Eccles Creek
$39,3306 Alaska Coastal Management Program
- Review and update the Eyak Lake Area Meriting Special Attention (AMSA) Cooperative Management Plan by measuring acres of spawning habitat, water quality, and heavy metals analysis.
- Update GIS maps with GPS bathymetric data and plot current spawning beds.
- Create awareness with CRWP campaign “Don’t Run Off Salmon” by educating lake users with interpretive signs and educating Cordova’s youth by involvement in the PWSSC Discovery Room and summer camp programs.
- Propose recommendations to increase protection for the lake’s riparian and fish habitat.
In addition to these formal grants, many volunteers have donated their time. The Copper River Watershed Project grows because of the support of the communities throughout the Copper River basin and its professionals donating advice to the make our salmon-based economy sustainable.