Mapping Salmon Spawning Beds on Eyak Lake By Nelly Hand – Drifter’s Fish This summer, I was invited to come out on Eyak Lake with CRWP GIS specialist Ashley Taylor as she [...]
Partnership Spotlight: BLM By Kate Morse Partnerships are the foundation of all CRWP’s work, and we are pleased to celebrate our partnership with BLM this month! BLM has been a critical [...]
Q&A with Kate Morse, our new Executive Director, and Kristin Carpenter, founding Executive Director of CRWP. We are thrilled to welcome Kate Morse as our new Executive Director, [...]
We are excited to announce the appointment of Kate Morse as CRWP’s Executive Director! Kate has been an integral part of CRWP since 2008, when she began as a part-time staff member after [...]
Neighboring With Invasive Plants By Bella Ranck and Floyd Witsoe Alaska is facing a growing epidemic of invasive plant species. With widespread tourism, construction, and even moving water [...]
Fish Passage Restoration Site Field Trips in the Copper Basin and Cordova Get Students Into the Watershed Active culvert construction provided awesome hands-on outreach experiences for multiple [...]
CRWP partners with CRNA, Ahtna, Inc., and Wrangell-St. Elias National Park Youth Programs for a teen invasive plant management introduction. Our Watershed Stewardship Program Manager, Amanda [...]
CRWP partners with CRNA’s YETIs for training at the Little Tonsina Bridge. CRWP/CRNA Climate Change Coordinator Colleen Merrick led the Youth Employment and Training Initiative (YETI) trip [...]
CRWP was a proud sponsor of the Copper Basin YES event! The annual Youth Environment Summit (YES) event involves youth from K-8th grade in environmental sciences, climate adaptations, natural [...]
The Stewards had sunny weather during their adventure exploring the Copper River Delta and Basin! The Copper River Stewardship Program was full of sunshine and adventure for High School students [...]