Wild Blueberry Caramels by Barbara Cellarius

 In Recipe


2 cups fresh or frozen wild Alaska blueberries
2-1/4 cups sugar
1 cup whipping or heavy cream
1/4 tsp. salt
2 tsp. grated lemon zest


Lightly grease an 8″ x 8″ baking pan and line with parchment paper, leaving an overhang on opposite sides. (If parchment paper isn’t available, butter pan well.)

Puree blueberries. Stir together berry puree, sugar and cream in a 4- to 5-quart heavy bottom pan. Cook over medium-high heat, uncovered. Stir often at first, then constantly as mixture thickens. When candy reaches 248 degrees on a candy thermometer, remove from heat, stir in lemon zest and salt, and pour into prepared pan. Cool for 12 to 18 hours. Remove from pan holding edges of parchment paper and place on large cutting board. Cut into 1-inch squares using a sharp and heavy knife.

Can be placed in mini muffin pan liners/candy cup papers to serve. Or wrapped in 5 to 6 inch squares of parchment paper. Place one caramel in the center of each square; wrap the opposite edges of the paper around the caramel and twist the exposed edges to close.

Yield: 64 caramels.

Note: if softer caramels are desired, remove from heat when mixture reaches 242 to 245 degrees. Softer caramels should be refrigerated before cutting.

This recipe was adapted from Cranberry Caramels by Cheryl Wells from the Copper Country Collection, History and Recipes from Kenny Lake Alaska, 2000 edition.