Gakona Trifesta: July 26, 2025
Join us for our 5th Annual Gakona TRIfesta! This sprint-length triathlon-esque race begins with biking from the heart of Gakona, with a bridge crossing and view of the confluence of the Gakona and Copper Rivers, as well as the Wrangell Mountains. On to the Gulkana River rafting portion of the race, you paddle downriver to the take-out at the highway crossing, then run back to the historic Gakona Lodge passing all three rivers that are part of our beautiful Copper River watershed. Proceeds from registration fees go back to support the Copper River Watershed Project, which works to keep the watershed happy and healthy. With sweeping views of Wrangell St. Elias National Park, scenic river crossings, plus festive and enthusiastic participants, this is a race you don’t want to miss!
Saturday, July 26th 11 AM – Gakona Lodge, Gakona Alaska
Race Map