Partnership Spotlight: BLM

 In News

Partnership Spotlight: BLM

By Kate Morse

Partnerships are the foundation of all CRWP’s work, and we are pleased to celebrate our partnership with BLM this month!

BLM has been a critical part of CRWP’s growth in the Copper Basin and has supported our involvement in a wide range of programs, including providing grant funding for fish passage restoration, invasive plant management, youth education and engagement, and our newest program, native seed harvesting.

BLM also supports their field staff’s involvement in advancing our programs, including captaining rafts for engaging youth on river trips and pulling invasive weeds, providing expertise on fish passage design reviews and pre and post-restoration monitoring efforts, and assistance managing our series of watershed-themed interpretive signs installed at waysides throughout the Copper Basin.

We were pleased to have the chance to brag about the Glennallen Field Office when the National Director, Tracy Stone-Manning, came at the end of June to visit the Little Tonsina bridge in person. As a major landowner in the Copper Basin, it’s these kinds of partnerships that help us succeed in working at the scale of the watershed, as it takes the investment and involvement of the landowners to commit to the overall health of the watershed that extends beyond their political boundaries.