Copper River Stewardship Program 2024

 In News

The Stewards had sunny weather during their adventure exploring the Copper River Delta and Basin!

The Copper River Stewardship Program was full of sunshine and adventure for High School students from Cordova and Copper Basin. The 9-day trip started in Cordova after many of the Copper Basin stewards endured their first-ever 13-hour ferry ride to Cordova.

After getting to know each other and coming to a mutual understanding of a watershed, the Copper River Stewards jumped right into field trips and explored how tributaries can contribute power to our communities on their visit to Cordova’s Powercreek Hydroelectric plant, hosted by Cordova Electric Cooperative.


They had beautiful weather to explore the Copper River Delta and were based out of the U.S. Forest Service research camp on Alaganik Slough. They learned how to collect data using GIS-based programs and made the journey out to Dusky Camp by canoe! After exploring the Copper River Delta, the stewards left Cordova for the Copper Basin and were given an opportunity to learn how to drive the ferry! Teen leader Vanessa taught the team how to bead while on the water.

Upriver, they enjoyed two sunny boat-based adventures. They rafted the Klutina River and picked over 100 lbs of invasive Whitesweetclover that was taking over river banks. The stewards then hopped on a jet boat, where they enjoyed a sunny visit to their own beach on the Copper River for the afternoon while learning about the Native Village of Eyak’s Fishery monitoring program.

We’d like to thank our partners and funders for making this program possible: Alyeska, BLM, Kate Svitek Memorial Foundation, National Park Service, Native Village of Eyak, Prince William Sound Science Center, Prince William Sound Regional Citizens Advisory Council, U.S. Forest Service, and WISE.