Upcoming Sustaining Eyak Lake Presentation
Upcoming Sustaining Eyak Lake Presentation in Cordova!!
Join Kate Morse and Euan-Angus MacLeod who will discuss the design aspects of the Eyak Lake project.
Date: Thursday, March 30th, 7pm
Location: Prince William Sound Science Center in Cordova (and live streamed!)
Presented by: Kate Morse (Copper River Watershed Project) and Euan-Angus MacLeod, PE, CFM (DOWL)
Eyak Lake, in the heart of Cordova, supports 10 fish species, is a backup drinking water source for Cordova, and supports a myriad of recreational activities in all seasons. After the 1964 Earthquake, local concern over the draining of the lake and exposure of nearshore Sockeye Salmon spawning beds resulted in the installation of the Eyak Lake Weir to help maintain lake levels. Over 50 years later, this structure is failing, and CRWP and our partners are working to develop a fix that not only maintains lake levels, but also improves the movement of adult and juvenile fish between Eyak Lake and River.
Join us for this presentation to learn more about the significance of Eyak Lake and the work being conducted to improve the weir structure and better track and sustain this important lake habitat.
Link for the livestream via GoTo Meetings: https://meet.goto.com/736232741
Contact Kate (kate@copperriver.org) or Ashley (ashley@copperriver.org) with any questions.
Learn more about the Eyak Lake project here!