The CRWP Team is Growing: Meet our three newest Staff Members!
The CRWP has recently hired three new staff members. Since this is an exciting time for CRWP we thought we would take a moment to introduce the new staff and what programs they will be working on.
Dan Schmalzer, Invasive Plant Program Manager
1. How long have you been in Cordova and what brought you here? I began working seasonally for the United States Forest Service in 2011 as a Recreation Technician and was immediately hooked on the outdoor activities and wild spaces Cordova had to offer.
2. What is your go-to activity when not working? My favorite thing to do in Cordova is spend time on or near the water. I enjoy boating in Prince William Sound, silver fishing and duck hunting on Eyak and Alaganic Rivers, and exploring the barrier islands.
3. What is your favorite animal? My favorite animal is probably the duck, seeing the migrations through Cordova and the diversity of duck species is pretty amazing to me.
4. What is a random fact about you? I do not like scary movies.
Chris Iannazzne, Greenhouse Initiative 
1. How long have you been in Cordova and what brought you here? I have been in Cordova for just over 2 years now! I was fortunate enough to serve as an AmeriCorps member and work as an Environmental Educator at the Prince William Sound Science Center here in Cordova, AK. Once my year of service was up, I realized there was so much more I wanted to do here!
2. What is your go-to activity when not working? The garden is my happy place!
3. What is your favorite animal? Sloth!
4. What is a random fact about you? I was a professional golf caddie for 4 years!