We believe the Copper River watershed can have a vibrant, healthy future.

With 2 weeks left to apply for your PFD, consider the Copper River Watershed Project when you Pick Click Give. Your gift creates opportunities for hands-on stewardship and gets youth and adults out into the field to study things that impact our region and way of life. With just a click, you can help sustain the Copper River watershed now and in the future for people and fish.

PFD applications are open until March 31st at: https://pfd.alaska.gov/
#pfd #stewardship #copperriverwatershed

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Happy St. Patrick`s Day!! We don`t have any green, only blue (pinch, pinch) from Amy Scudder`s ride last week on the frozen lake below Kennecott Glacier in McCarthy. The planet is warming, the glacier is retreating, and the lake is getting BIG. Change is the only certainty in this world....and St. Patrick`s Day. That`s pretty certain.

Our staff members work hard and play hard in the Copper River watershed. We wouldn`t have it any other way. ❤ #LoveWhereYouLive
#copperriverwatershed #McCarthyAlaska

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Consider the Copper River Watershed Project when you #PickClickGive this year!

Your gift makes hands-on stewardship possible, including salmon habitat restoration, by replacing damaged culverts in salmon-rearing streams, planting native species, and monitoring stream temperatures in salmon-rearing habitat.

With one click, you can help keep boots on the ground in the Copper River watershed, doing critical work to keep people and fish thriving.

PFD applications are open until March 31st at: https://pfd.alaska.gov/
#pfd #stewardship #copperriverwatershed

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Save the Date for the Cordova Science Gathering! We are excited to be part of this event celebrating science, art, and culture, and promoting stewardship through collaboration and shared knowledge.

"This inclusive, community-centered event invites people of all ages and backgrounds to engage in meaningful dialogue, hands-on learning, and creative expression. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of ongoing research and monitoring efforts, exploring how science connects with everyday life in Cordova." — Native Village of Eyak
nativevillageofeyak #CordovaAlaska #CordovaScienceGathering #CSG #CRRC #PWSSC #NVE #copperriverwatershed

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There is still time to #PickClickGive! Consider choosing the Copper River Watershed Project when you apply for your PFD this year. It will take all of us working together to keep our watershed thriving for people and salmon now and in the future. Your gift helps restore salmon habitat, remove invasive plants from our waterways, and monitor temperatures in salmon-rearing streams.

That`s a lot of good with one click!

PFD applications are open until March 31st at: https://pfd.alaska.gov/
#pfd #stewardship #copperriverwatershed

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Have you heard?

Choose the Copper River Watershed Project

Alaskans – when you apply for a PFD this year, consider choosing the Copper River Watershed Project!

Your gift creates opportunities for youth and adults to wade out into the watershed and study the things that impact our region and way of life. With just a click, you can help sustain the Copper River watershed now and in the future for people and fish.

Apply for your PFD here.

Apply for the Copper River Stewardship Program!

Applications for the Copper River Stewardship Program (CRSP) are open now through March 31, 2025 for youth currently in 8-12th grade!!

This is a fantastic opportunity to explore and learn about the watershed while boating, rafting, hiking, and camping with new friends. It’s a chance to work with students from throughout the region as you learn about tributaries and how much they contribute to the health of our watershed.

Optional high-school credit is available through your local school district! The cost is $400. Scholarships are available.

Click the button to apply!

Thank You Salmon in the Classroom Partners & Sponsors!

We’d like to send a big shoutout to the Wrangell Institute for Science and Environment (WISE) and Wrangell-St. Elias National Park & Preserve (WRST-NPS) for being our coho-st in the salmon tank program this year! We are able to deliver and engage with 6 classrooms across the Copper River watershed thanks to their assistance to the program! And a great big thank you to all of our Salmon in the Classroom Partners and Sponsors. We couldn’t do this without you!

(Click the button to view a full list of Salmon Tank Partners and Sponsors!)

CRWP Scholarship Applications are Open!

Apply for the CRWP Scholarships now through April 4th!

The Copper River Watershed Project has awarded two $1000 scholarships annually in the spring to one student from a school in the Copper Basin (Glennallen, Kenny Lake or Slana High Schools) and one graduating student from Cordova High School. Homeschool students in the region are also eligible to apply, as well as students who have spent a significant portion of their schooling in the Copper River watershed or students who have significant ties to the region.

Click below to apply!

Our Programs Making a Difference