We believe the Copper River watershed can have a vibrant, healthy future.
Have you heard?
Join Our Board of Directors!
Do you fish, hunt, or recreate in the Copper River watershed?
Do you have ideas for how to keep our way of life sustained for future generations?
Do you love the Copper River and want it to have a thriving and healthy future?
We are recruiting people to fill a seat in the Copper Basin and in Cordova. Our Board of Directors is a fun group of people representing a range of experiences and expertise while sharing a love for the watershed and the way of life here. We are seeking new interested candidates who are willing to share knowledge, experience, and time with our organization and help lead us into the future.
Submission Deadline: January 31, 2025
We are hiring for 6 different seasonal positions for our plant management programs between the times of May – September of 2025!
Play an active part in two of CRWP’s major plant programs, invasive plant management and native seed harvesting! Invasive plant management efforts include conducting surveys, recording data, and implementing manual and mechanical control treatments for terrestrial invasive plants. We are hiring for 2 full-time and 1 intern positions in both Copper Basin and Cordova. The internship is a paid position.
Find more details for Copper Basin and Cordova here.
The Copper River Watershed Project is requesting proposals for the Eyak Lake Weir project. The work is for construction services to remove and replace the existing sheet pile weir and reconstruct the stream channel at the outlet of Eyak Lake.
The Eyak Lake weir is located at approximately milepost 5.7 on the Copper River Highway, east of the City of Cordova, AK. The weir is located approximately 300 feet upstream of the Copper River Highway bridge (Mari Smith Jones Bridge) over the Eyak River. The weir was constructed in 1972 to re-establish the water surface elevation in Eyak Lake following the 1964 ‘Good Friday’ earthquake.
The deadline for question submission is January 10th, and proposals are due by 5 pm on January 29th.
Email partnership@copperriver.org for more information.